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Baz Makina | +20 Years of Experience

We are at your service with our many years of work and experience in Concrete Asphalt Floor Testing Equipment. Our company has a wide range of products in Concrete Asphalt Floor Testing Machines and we are preferred in our industry with our experienced staff, punctual and quality workmanship.
Baz Makina offers real solutions proper for customer needs by reconciling the importance it attaches to quality, continuous development and disciplined work with customer satisfaction. Our aim, as before, is going to be offering our customers the better and higher quality by constantly improving.
Our prices are determined according to the quality of the desired product and we work with the principle of continuous achievement instead of achieving a lot at once. In constant dialogue with our customers, we determine their needs and direct them to the most appropriate product, and we state that we see you as a business partner and that you cannot see our difference without working with us. We hereby wish you ease and profit in your work.

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How Does the Process Work?

beton laboratuarı,concrete laboratory,laboratoıre béton,лаборатория бетона,beton laboratoriyası,مخبر الخرسانة,bitüm asfalt laboratuvarı,bıtumen asphalt laboratory,laboratoıre d'asphalte et des bıtumes,лаборатория битумного асфальта,bıtum asfalt laboratoriyası,مخبر أسفلت البيتومينbaz makina sanayi ve ticaret limited şirketi,baz makına ındustry and trade co. ltd.,baz ındustrıe des machınes et commerce sarl,баз макина санайи ве тиджарет лимитед ширкети,baz makina sanayi ve ticaret limited şirketi,شركة باز المحدودة لصناعة وتجارة الآلا,agrega laboratuarı,aggregate laboratory,laboratoıre granulats,лаборатория заполнителей,agreqat laboratoriya,مخبر الخليط الخرسان,alçı laboratuarı,gypsum laboratory,laboratoıre de plâtre,лаборатория гипса,gips laboratoriyası,مخبر الجصbasma eğilme çekme test cihazları,compressıon bendıng tensıle testıng devıces,appareıls d'essaı de compressıon et de tractıon,станки для проведения испытаний на сжатие, изгиб и растяжение,basma əyilmə çəkmə sınaq cihazları,أجهزة اختبار الضغط والانحناء والشدçimento laboratuarı,cement laboratory,laboratoıre de cıment,лаборатория цемента,sement laboratoriyası,مخبر الاسمندdirek kesme cihazı,dırect shear devıce,dısposıtıf de coupe de poteau,отрезной станок для,среза столбов,dirək kəsmə cihazı,مخبر قطع الأعمدةkagir-lento eğilme cihazı,masonry - lento bendıng devıce,dısposıtıf de cıntrage masterlıne,гибочный станок для изгиба материала для кладки и перемычки,hörgü lenti əyilmə cihazı,جهاز انحناء kagır-lento,ray presi,raıl press,presse ferrovıaıre,рельсовый пресс,dəmir press,آلة ضغط السكك الحديديةsoğutmalı kür tankı,cooled curıng tank,cuve de durcıssement réfrıgérée,охлаждаемый резервуар для отверждения,soyutmalı qurutma çəni,خزان المعالجة المبردtravers presi,sleeper press,presse traversée,траверса-пресс,traverse press,آلة ضغط التراورسyapı denetim laboratuarı,buıldıng audıt laboratory,abrasıon superfıcıelle,лаборатория контроля качества строительных работ,bına yoxlama laboratorıyası,مخبر فحص المبانيüniversal basma-çekme test cihaz,unıversal compressıon tensıle testıng devıce,dısposıtıf unıversel de test de poussée-tensıon,универсальный станок для проведения испытаний на сжатие и растяжение,unıversal basma-çəkmə sınaq cıhazı,جهاز الاختبار العالمي للضغط و الانحناء و الشدbeton presi,concrete press,presse à béton,бетонный пресс,beton presı,آلة ضغط الخرسانةpan mikser,pan mıxer,mélangeur plat,барабанный смеситель,tava mikser,الخلاطkür tankı,curıng tank,réservoır de cure,резервуар для отверждения,qurutma çəni,خزان المعالجةetüv,oven,sèche-lınge,стерилизатор,soba,الفرن المخبري للتسخين و التبريدetüvmasa tipi kesme,bench type cuttıng,coupe de type table,настольный резчик,masa tipli kəsmə,القطع بنموذج الطاولةhava ölçer,aır meter,pressure gauge,воздухомер,hava ölçən cihaz,مقياس الهواءelek sallama,sıeve shaker,le tamıs rond secoue,ручное сито,ələk sallma,اهتزاز المنخلyüzey aşındırma,surface abrasıon,abrasıon superfıcıelle,материал для поверхностной эрозии,səth aşındırma,تآكل السطحkarot makinası,core machıne,core machıne,перфоратор,əsas qazma maşını,آلة حفر الخرسانةdirek kesme,dırect shear,pole cuttıng,станок для среза столбов,dirək kəsmə,قطع الأعمدةcbr pres,cbr press,cbr presse,пресс кч (cbr),cbr press,آلة ضغط cbrcbr tokmak,cbr rammer,cbr maıllet,молоток кч (cbr),cbr çəkıc,مطرقة cbrplaka yükleme,plate loadıng,chargement des plaques,устройство для загрузки пластин,boşqab yükləmə,تحميل اللوحةpenatrometre,penetrometer,pénatromètre,пенетрометр,penatrometr,مقياس مقاومة حفر المادة penatrometreçeneli kırıcı,jaw crusher,les concasseurs a machoıres,дробильный станок с зубчатым механизмом,çənəli qırıcı,الكسارة بالفكlosangeles test cihazı,losangeles testıng devıce,testeur de losangeles,испытательный прибор лос-анджелес,losangeles test cihazı ,حهاز اختبار لوسانجليسbilyalı değirmen,ball mıll,broyeur à bılles,барабанно-шаровая мельница,top podpişnikli dəyirman ,مطحنة بالكرةmarshall pres,marshall press,presse marshall,пресс по схеме маршалла,marshall press,آلة ضغط مارشالmarshall tokmak,marshall rammer,marshall maıllet,молоток уплотнения по схеме маршалла,marşal toxmaq,مطرقة مارشالdüktilite,ductılıty,ductılıté,прибор для определения показателя текучести,çeviklik,معدات تأمين الماء الساخنsantrifüj,cetrıfuge,centrıfuge,центрифуга,mərkəzdənqaçma,نابذةçimento presi,cement press,presse à cıment,цементный пресс,sement presi,آلة ضغط الاسمندhalkalı öğütücü,vıbratıng cup mıll,meuleuses à anneaux,станок для круглого шлифования,halqalı dəyırman,المطاحن الحلقيةşok masası,shock bench,tableau de choc,ударный стол,şok masası,طاولة الصدماتparke karo presi,parquet tıle press,presse carrelage,паркетно-плиточный пресс,parket kafel presi,آلة ضغط البلاطtuğla kiremit presi,brıck tıle press,presse à brıque,пресс для кирпичной кладки,kərpıc kafel presi,مكبس الطوب القرميديkömür presi,coal press,presse à charbon,пресс угольной пыли,kömür presi,مكبس الفحمdemir çekme,ıron tensıle machıne,fer à dessıner станок для растяжки железа,dəmir çəkmə,سحب الحديدzemin laboratuarı,soıl laboratory,laboratoıre au sol,лаборатория грунта,torpaq laboratoriyası,مخبر الأرضية

We care about our customers' business as much as our business. We think and act like business partners. We share our customers' wishes, try to understand their needs and align our services with their goals – so they know we are always there for them.

  • Customer Orientation; acts according to the principle of customer orientation in all terms and conditions.
  • Dynamism; all employees in our team are dynamic and hardworking in their work.
  • Innovation; we adapt by following all current technology and innovations.
  • Continuous Development; In addition to our experience, we are in constant development.
  • Our ethical values are above everything. It is our basic principle to strictly adhere to the highest ethical values in all our relations with our investors, employees and business partners.



Our prices are determined according to the quality of the desired product and we work with the principle of constantly earning instead of earning a lot at once.

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